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5. Bob Fitzsimmons (74-8-3, 67 KO, 30 ND)

Born: May 26, 1863

Died: Oct. 22, 1917


The first triple title holder in history, Bob Fitzsimmons won the world middleweight, heavyweight, and light heavyweight championships in a career that spanned 27 years.  As a young man, Fitzsimmons worked as a blacksmith, and his punches held the power of an iron hammer hitting an anvil.  He defied age, consistently fought larger men, and was crafty and resilient in the ring.


Born in England, Fitzsimmons moved to New Zealand with his family as a small boy.  School was a luxury and, before long, Fitzsimmons went to work as a carriage painter and in a foundry.  His interest in boxing heated up when he entered an amateur boxing tournament supervised by visiting Hall of Famer Jem Mace.  Weighing just 140 lbs, Fitzsimmons knocked out four larger opponents and won the heavyweight division of the contest.


In 1883, Fitzsimmons moved to Australia, where his first recorded professional bouts took place. Over the next seven years, he posted a record of 15-5, with six no-decisions.  In 1890, he traveled to America where three knockout bouts earned him a chance to fight world middleweight champion Jack Dempsey (The Nonpareil).  Fitzsimmons proved to be more than Dempsey's equal and, after a vicious battle, he knocked the champion out in the thirteenth round.  Bob Fitzsimmons beat the Nonpareil Jack Dempsey in such one-sided fashion in 1891 that the first chairman of the yet to be founded New York State Athletic Commission, William Muldoon, immediately named him one of the best he had ever seen. “I have never dreamed of such a man,” said the former trainer of John L. Sullivan. “He is a terrific hitter, a two-handed fighter and a great general.”  The last point needs to be stressed—Fitzsimmons had outboxed and out-generalled the greatest general the fight game had yet seen, and with great ease.

“It wasn’t a hard fight, I did not even get thoroughly warmed up.”


Fitzsimmons defended his middleweight crown just once before aiming at the heavyweight title. He knocked out fellow contender Peter Maher in one round in 1896 and, later that year, delivered an eighth-round wallop that floored heavyweight Tom Sharkey.  Referee Wyatt Earp, the former lawman, called the punch a low blow and disqualified Fitzsimmons, to the dismay of most observers, who thought the punch was fair.


In 1897, Fitzsimmons faced heavyweight champion James J. Corbett in Carson City, Nevada for the title.  The balding, spindly-legged Fitzsimmons (John L. Sullivan called him "a fighting machine on stilts") did not look like a potential heavyweight champion.  He was 34 years old, to Corbett's 30, and weighed sixteen pounds less.  Corbett landed seriously damaging blows for most of the fight.  Fitzsimmons was bleeding badly, but his blacksmith's arm won him the fight in the fourteenth round when he slammed a paralyzing blow into Corbett's solar plexis, the nerve center just below the breastbone.   Corbett went down with a horrified gasp, and Fitzsimmons took the title.  He wore the crown for two uncontested years before losing it to James J. Jeffries, who knocked him out in the eleventh round.


Fitzsimmons had become the first and remains the last man to hold lineage at both middleweight and heavyweight.  His style had endured a total overhaul, turning him from the boxer-puncher of his middleweight days to a punching trapsmith the likes of which had never been seen before.  It stressed power over his much admired mobility and was the full reverse of what would be expected from an opponent moving up in weight.  Bob made it work because of a unique set of physical and technical abilities that made him the best at any weight despite his own weight.


He also showed outstanding longevity.  After losing the title to the marauding James J. Jeffries, a heavyweight even by modern standards, he boxed on for a number of years, adding the linear light-heavyweight title in his fortieth year, an incredible feat for a fighter of that era, and taking his last significant scalp, a great one, against Jack O’Brien two years later. Fitzsimmons’ achievements are as extraordinary as any performed in the ring and arguably are without equal.


He lost a two-round knockout to Jack Johnson in one of his last fights.  In retirement, Fitzsimmons toured the vaudeville circuit before becoming an evangelist.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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