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Fly Half - 5 Greats


The fly half is one of a rugby teams most important players and is often considered ‘the brains’ of their side as they dictate the way in which their team will play.  A good fly half must be extremely competent in all aspects of their game, able to kick, tackle and pass on either side.  Good speed and turn of pace are a huge benefit for a fly half so as to make quick line breaks and chase down


Should the fly half receive the ball they must decide which type of play to run.  This may involve a kick to the corner to attempt to gain their team some territory, a chip over the top for players to chase, a pass into the backs or forwards or even to run it themselves should an opportunity arise. When receiving the ball the fly half must look to stand as flat to the oppositions defence as possible in order to give the rest of their players the opportunity to run at the opposition.


In defence the majority of fly halves will be required to defend the 10 channel through the middle of the pitch which is likely to be targeted by opposition runners.  A fly half must be comfortable tackling players of all sizes as they are likely to encounter most of the oppositions runners during a game. They must also attempt to organise their defensive line moving the backs into position ready to repel any opposition moves.  The fly half is often their teams chief kicker meaning they must be capable of punting the ball accurately from distance.  He may be required to take penalty kicks and conversions for the posts.  They are also likely to be required to kick for touch from hand for penalties outside of kickable range.  The fly half will also often be the main drop goal specialist in the team and so must look for opportunities to drop into the pocket ready to make an effort on goal.


Every rugby fan has his own idea of what greatness is and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the players he knows best; I make no apology for doing likewise.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies Rugby Union's Mount Olympus.  Here are my top 5 Fly Halfs in the history of the sport.  Let the arguing begin.

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