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Greatest Knockouts

Firstly the technical stuff, viz.


A knockout (also referred to as a K.O.) is a fight-ending, winning criterion in boxing.  A full knockout is considered any legal strike or combination thereof that renders an opponent unable to continue fighting.  The term is often associated with a sudden traumatic loss of consciousness caused by a physical blow.  Single powerful blows to the head (particularly the jawline and temple) can produce a cerebral concussion or a Carotid sinus reflex with Syncope and cause a sudden, dramatic KO.  Body blows, particularly the liver punch, can cause progressive, debilitating pain that can also result in a KO.


In boxing a knockout is usually awarded when one participant falls to the canvas and is unable to rise to his feet within a specified period of time, typically because of exhaustion, pain, disorientation, or unconsciousness.  For example, if a boxer is knocked down and is unable to continue the fight within a ten second count, he is counted as having been knocked out and his opponent is awarded the K.O. victory.


What I love about the K.O. is that it renders any subjectivity regarding the bout redundant....There is no discussion....period.  Normally throughout a bout you have an inkling as to the outcome, however, any boxer that has a knockout punch in his arsenal is capable of winning right up to the bell signaling the end of the bout.


Please enjoy the following footage; there is a mixture of devastating knockouts coupled with historical ones too.


Ingemar Johannson vs Floyd Paterson 2

Ray Mercer vs Tommy Morrison

Bob Foster vs Dick Tiger

Muhammad Ali vs Cleveland Williams

Jersey Joe Walcott vs Ezzard Charles 3

George Foreman vs Joe Frazier 1

Joe Louis vs Billy Conn

Diego Corrales vs Jose Luis Castillo 1

Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman

Tommy Hearns vs Pipino Cauves

Jack Johnson vs Stanley Ketchel

George Foreman vs Michael Moorer

Tony Zale vs Rocky Graziano 3

Buster Douglas vs Mike Tyson

Carmen Basilio vs Paddy DeMarco 2

Marvelous Marvin Hagler vs Tommy Hearns

Sugar Ray Robinson vs Gene Fulmer 2

Joe Louis vs Max Schmeling 2

Jack Dempsey vs Luis Firpo

Rocky Marciano vs Jersey Joe Walcott

In this second film there is some footage identical to the first, however, it contains two of my favourite knockouts of all time.


Tommy Hearns absolutely starches Roberto Duran with a right-hand that in my opinion rivals Marciano's against Jersey Joe Walcott as the best ever thrown.  Being hit by a train would be more preferable.


Julian Jackson was being schooled by Herol Graham before running into an enormous cattle-truck that was Jackson's right-hand.  This too is up there as one of the best ever.



This compilation just goes to show that all those months of hard graft training and sparring, at times count for nothing.


The fights are almost over before they have started.  Embarassing for the recipients but a good night's work for the people dishing it out.  'Good night Vienna!'


This compilation really isn't for the faint-hearted.  It shows some awful injuries sustained in the ring; some accidentally some deliberate.


The warrior spirit of some fighters is always admirable, however, sometimes the balance of reasoning sways in the direction or down-right stupidity.

Sometimes it just takes one punch to end proceedings.  Enjoy!

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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