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Greatest Lightweights of All Time

There is no doubt in my mind that Henry Armstrong would make this list, however, as he has been recognised as one of my Greatest of All Time (GOAT) others have been given a chance.


135 lbs just might be the deepest division in historical terms. Fighters who can’t even get a whiff of this top ten are in the Hall of Fame.  Throughout history, no division has been home to more #1 fighters in the sport.  Along with the middleweight title, welterweight title and, of course, the heavyweight belt, this is amongst the most prestigious honors in the sport.   With numerous excruciating exclusions.  Here are the top ten best boxing 135-pounders to ever lace ‘em up in the prize ring.


Every fight fan has his own idea of what greatness is, and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the fighters he knows best.  I've tried hard for that not to be the case regarding who is best within the classic 8 weight divisions.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies boxing’s Lightweight Mount Olympus. Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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