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Greatest Middleweights of All Time

There is no doubt in my mind that Sugar Ray Robinson would make this list, however, as he has been recognised as one of my Greatest of All Time (GOAT) and the greatest Welterweight, others have been given a chance.


With great middleweights spanning over a century in time, it can be difficult to measure 160-pounders against each other. Try to compare the undefined middleweight division of the turn of the 20th century to its current manifestation and your head might spin.  Some of the most historic fighters of all-time made 160 lbs their home and it makes coming up with a top ten an ultimate test of what you think is more valuable to creating a great legacy.  Do you go with the guy with a long reign? What about the great middleweight who beat greats from higher weight classes?  Is it more impressive to be 99-2 against a lot of no-names and a small handful of big names or do you go with the guy who was 75-15 while fighting mostly monsters?


Every fight fan has his own idea of what greatness is, and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the fighters he knows best.  I've tried hard for that not to be the case regarding who is best within the classic 8 weight divisions.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies boxing’s Middleweight Mount Olympus. Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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