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Hooker - 5 Greats

During the scrum the hooker packs down between the two props with his arms slung across his props shoulders. The props will then support the hooker during the engagement before the pack as a whole drive forwards.  The hooker will then combine with his loosehead to take on the opposition tighthead and attempt to drive him up.


In open play the hooker will tend to play in a similar role to the loose forwards being expected to carry the ball in attack whilst making tackles and competing in mauls in defence.  A hooker should have good hands but also still retain the physicality that allows them to hit rucks hard to secure his teams ball and turn over opposition possession.  He will be expected to integrate into the backs during open play offering a ball carrying option who can also offload in order to maintain pressure on the oppositions defensive line.  As the hooker is likely to be lighter and smaller than the locks and props he will be expected to cover more ground and therefore be in the top half for tackle counts.


The Hooker at the lineout has to throw the ball; this must be timed to perfect so that as his team throw a man up into the air to claim possession, the ball is thrown at the right height and speed to hit him once he reaches his peak. The Hooker must throw the ball in straight between the two lines so both teams can compete or else face being penalised.


Every rugby fan has his own idea of what greatness is and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the players he knows best; I make no apology for doing likewise.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies Rugby Union's Mount Olympus. Here are my top 5 Hookers in the history of the sport.  Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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