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Openside Flanker - 5 Greats


The openside will be one of the most physical, craftiest and downright tough players in a team capable of attacking and defending with men much larger and much quicker than them-self.  The perfect openside flanker will combine tough tackling, unparalleled breakdown work and ball carrying abilities that other forwards can only dream of.  In order to tie this together an openside must be one of the fittest players on the pitch, and whilst not being the largest member of a squad he will be strong enough to bring down even the largest front 5 player with relative ease.


To be a truly great you will be expected to have one of the highest tackle and turnover counts in your team whilst also actively contributing to your teams attacking play.  In addition you should also be capable of playing on the very limits of the laws, pushing the referees leniancy to the very limits without actually being penalised for cheating. 


Whilst the ball is in play the openside flanker has two main roles depending on who has possession at the time.  When defending the openside flanker should be one of the key leaders of their teams defence, willing to put their body on the line and make important tackles before quickly getting back to their feet ready to compete at the breakdown.  A good openside will constantly look at the current play and assess where potential dangers may lie and position themselves appropriately.


In attack the openside flanker will often integrate into their teams backline equally capable of passing the ball through their hands to help open up space for players on their outside or taking the ball to the opposition, carrying strongly and making hard yards to get their team over the gainline.  He must also be ready to compete at any breakdowns when a member of their team is tackled and the opposition attempt to ruck over.


The openside flanker must be particularly wary when the opposition have the put in, ready to bring down any player trying to run with the ball from the base of the scrum or place pressure on the opposition receiver after the ball has been distributed from the back.  The openside flanker is likely to be the first up tackler off the scrum and it is imperative they bring down any opposition ball carrier or risk leaving their team exposed to the oppositions attack.  The openside flanker should also be wary of the ball coming lose at any stage and react to to either interfere with the ball or jump on it should it come loose. This can on occasion result in a turnover ball even though their teams pack are going backwards in the scrum and is therefore an extremely important element of an opensides play.


Every rugby fan has his own idea of what greatness is and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the players he knows best; I make no apology for doing likewise.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies Rugby Union's Mount Olympus.  Here are my top 5 Openside Flankers in the history of the sport.  Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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