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Outside Centre - 5 Greats


The outside centre in rugby is one of the most diverse roles on the field with players needing to have a fully rounded set of skills whilst being able to adapt their game to a number of different styles.  It is becoming increasingly common for outside centres to have the pace and agility to be able to play on the wing whilst also retaining the size and strength to act as a key defensive lynch-pin.  Although the outside centre is generally slightly smaller than the inside centre they are still generally of a good build and must be able to hold their own in defence as they will be taking on ball runners who are much larger than themselves.  The outside centre should also have good hands and be comfortable passing off either shoulder or offloading in the tackle so as to provide their wingers with the best possible opportunity to make a line break.


The two key roles for an outside centre to perform are to act as an additional play-maker either through running the ball or passing it out wide and creating a solid defensive line that is difficult for the opposition to breach.  The two centres are expected to hold and defend one of the main channels in their teams defensive lines in the middle of the pitch and must therefore be comfortable tackling even the biggest of the oppositions forwards.  In addition to making big hits and applying pressure to the oppositions ball carriers the outside centre will often be able to act as an additional back-row forward at the breakdown.  The outside centre should feel comfortable competing on the ground during a ruck and attempting to turn over the oppositions ball or retain their own ball.


In attack the outside centre will take their lead off the inside centres play.  If the inside centre takes the ball to the gain-line the outside centre should be following closely on their shoulder ready to catch any offloads during the tackle or to ruck over and retain the ball after the inside centre has been taken to ground.  If however the inside centre is more of a play-maker and looks to move the ball through their teams hands the outside centre needs to be a willing runner, taking the ball towards the opposition gain-line ready to launch out to the wings.  The outside centre should therefore feel comfortable offloading both in space and during the tackle.


Should other key members of their team be caught up in rucks or out of position the outside centre must feel confident putting boot to ball in order to relieve some pressure.  Although the outside centre does not necessarily have to be the best tactical kicker in the team they need to be able to get some distance on the ball and have enough accuracy to avoid having it ran straight back at them.  It is also useful if they feel comfortable putting little grubber kicks through for their wingers to chase onto.


Every rugby fan has his own idea of what greatness is and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the players he knows best; I make no apology for doing likewise.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies Rugby Union's Mount Olympus.  Here are my top 5 Outside Centres in the history of the sport.  Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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