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Wingers - 10 Greats


A winger in rugby will be amongst one of the fastest players on the pitch whilst also having a well-round skills set.  Although being out on the wing they may not be as heavily involved in the action as some of the other players on the pitch they still have an important role to play in both attack and defence.  A winger will usually be light on their feet and confident running with the ball in hand whilst taking on the opposition one-on-one.  He may also have to put in some of the most important tackles on the pitch as if they are beaten it is unlikely the oppositions line breaker will be caught.  A winger should constantly be looking to get their hands on the ball, hanging on the ball carriers shoulder and calling for it should an opening appear.


The decision on which side a winger will play depends on their particular strengths.  A right handed and right footed winger is likely to play on the right winger and vice versa for left wingers.  This is as a winger is usually the last man before the ball reaches touch so is more likely to have to play the ball back inside as there is unlikely to be someone stood outside of them.  In addition a predominantly right footed winger is likely to step off their right foot so will want their stronger leg on the outside to step inside players.  Whilst the differences between left and right wingers may only be very subtle the small margins can make a big difference.  Although saying this good wingers should feel comfortable playing on either side of the pitch.


Although not central to their teams play a winger must be aware of any opportunities ready to make a break at a moments notice.  This may involve coming in off their wing and following the ball in the hope of catching on to an offload.  Generally though a winger should try to hug to the touchline waiting for the ball to be distributed out through the centres for an opening.  Once the ball comes out to the winger they will generally look to take the ball to the opposition, keeping it in hand and looking to break through the defensive line.


Top wingers should also feel comfortable putting boot to ball and kicking should an opportunity present itself. As one of the fastest members of the team the winger will usually be expected to chase their own kick and look to either reclaim the ball or put pressure on the opposition catcher.

In defence a winger will usually be expected to defend the far side of the pitch hugging the touchline and is most likely to have to repel the opposition winger.  If the ball is in the oppositions half the winger will usually hold back in their own half again on their side of the pitch ready to claim any long kicks out of their opponents half.  The winger must then decide whether to run or kick the ball back.


Every rugby fan has his own idea of what greatness is and more often than not the list will feature an inordinate number of his contemporaries because those are the players he knows best; I make no apology for doing likewise.  So without further adieu, here is one man’s opinion of who occupies Rugby Union's Mount Olympus.  Here are my top 10 Wingers in the history of the sport.  Let the arguing begin.

Keith Donald's Greatest Boxers of All Time

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